Wednesday, October 28, 2015

When Goddesses Do Not Deserve to Shed Tears


Even God himself said
not to throw pearls to the swine
nor to settle for tomorrow.
Yet now I see you grasp the sand
and hold on to water.
I see life drain in your eyes
as you lie exhausted.
With every ounce of strength you gave,
you ended up empty-handed.
I’ve seen enough women cry in my day,
I’ve seen the oceans rise.
And it hurts to see another one
when goddesses do not deserve to shed tears.

Let me tell you this.
Your tears are diamonds.
The ground does not deserve them
nor the greed of foolish men.
Know that you are a deity that deserves worship,
not a charlatan in men’s charade.
And though you have shed enough blood and tears,
to someone’s eyes, somewhere in this world,
they are rubies and diamonds scattered in the ground.

He’ll pick them up piece by piece,
and find their owner by chance,
or perhaps by destiny.
And he’ll say the words, “I do not deserve this,
no one does.”
He’ll grant you new eyes to see the world to realize, 

there are countless things in this
world that are much worth shedding
diamonds for.


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